July 19

Honors PreCalculus



This is why units are important! 🙂

Welcome to Honors PreCalculus!

Don’t let the name scare you. In this course we will pick up where Algebra 2 left off, but not without reviewing what you learned there. You will see all of the same functions with the addition of these functions: polynomial, piece-wise, step, more rational, and trigonometry! Trigonometry goes way beyond SOH CAH TOA. In fact, we will spend an entire semester learning about Trigonometry.

In addition to posting the notes on the link below, if you are absent this year (2021-2022) I will be posting videos of our lessons on google classroom as they are available. Check your school email for any notifications from google classroom. PreCal is like a small town, if you blink while going through, you will get lost. This is my attempt at helping you not to get lost when you blink.

If you know you are going to be out for extracurricular activities, please get your work before you leave.

When you are absent, then # of days out = # of days allowed to return work.

Please understand that posting the lessons on google classroom is a courtesy. You could also “phone/text a friend” for a picture of their notes.

Link to Notes T4 (MP2)

October 4

Lesson Plans for the Week of October 7, 2024

T4 on 10/11 Friday

PSAT 10/14


ACT 10/23


TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

go over 9WT review that you got LAST Wednesday





(this counts as a test grade AND can replace a lower test in MP1)


TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

Slant Asymptotes AND

Graphing rational functions

Wksht: wksht 1.11b

p. 157-158 (24, 28, 30, 32, 50, 52, 54, 56)





(grade will go on next MP2)

September 20

Lesson Plans for the Week of September 23, 2024

T3 on Thursday, Sept 26


TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

Rational Zero Test/Upper and Lower Bounds

Wksht: (9-13)

same worksheet from last week


TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

Graphing Higher Degree Polynomials part 2

Wksht: (9-13)


TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

Circuit: The Polynomial Function


You will get three problems for homework today that will be the test questions. You will randomly get ONE of them to graph on your test tomorrow. You may get asked questions about all three, but you will graph ONE with all the steps.




TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

Graphing Rational Functions from Algebra 2

 wksht (1-12) review graphing rational fxns (from Algebra 2)
September 13

Lesson Plans for the Week of September 16, 2024

T3 Thursday, September 26


Student Holiday


TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

Factoring Perfect Cubes and Quadratic Expressions

see worksheets below on Wednesday’s post


TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

ASVAB for Juniors; Workday for Seniors

Wksht (1-20): HPC Factoring Practice.

Wksht (1-12): Factoring Perfect Cubes and Special Trinomials(There are some that are equations that = 0. They were not supposed to be, so you do not have to solve them, just factor them.)

Due on Thursday


TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

Descarte’s Rule of Signs:

End Behavior/Descarte’s Notes (blank)

(Video lesson on google classroom will open @8:40 AM)

Wksht (1-16): Polynomial Functions wksht


TEKS: PC.1; PC.2

Graphing Higher Degree Polynomials

Wksht from Thursday: (1-8)

September 1

Lesson Plans for the Week of September 2, 2024

Monday is Labor Day! Enjoy the break!


Labor Day Holiday!!!


TEKS: PC.1, PC.2

2.1 Polynomial Functions and Rates of Change

wksht 1.4


TEKS: PC.1, PC.2

2.2 Zeros of Polynomial Functions


TEKS: PC.1, PC.2

Finish Zeros of Polynomial Functions

wksht 1.5a

TEKS: PC.1, PC.2

Workday: p. 110 (1-6, 38-94 eoe)

**Trade #46 for #48 and then return to #50 with the eoe pattern to 94.

(eoe –> every other even)

finish p. 110 for homework

August 12

Lesson Plans for the Week of August 12, 2024

Welcome back!! Looking to meeting the new ones and seeing the old ones! 🙂

You will have a real textbook this year and IT IS HEAVY!! I suggest you leave it at home (not in the trunk of your car or the back seat) and check the blog to see when you will need to bring it.




not yet


First Day!

First Day!!

Finish desmos: algebra 2 parent functions

(find access through google classroom)


Transformations of Functions


Desmos: transformations of absolute value functions

Desmos: “match my function”

(access both through google classroom)


1.1 Functions and function notation

p. 25 (32, 36, 42, 54, 68, 70, 76a, 78, 84, 86)